2016年10月23日 星期日


2016年諾貝爾文學獎頒給美國民謠搖滾歌手狄倫(Bob Dylan),
他最膾炙人口的一首歌--Blowin In The Wind -隨風而逝(飄在風中)
How many roads must a man walk down 人究竟要經過多少旅程
Before you call him a man? 才能夠男子漢成長蛻變
how many seas must a white dove sail 白鴿要經過多久的翱翔
Before she sleeps in the sand? 才能夠重返地面安息
how many times must the cannon balls fly 砲彈要歷經過多少次試射
Before they’re forever banned? 才會被人們永遠禁止
The answer, my friend, is blowin in the wind, 我的朋友 這答案就飄在茫茫的風裡
The answer is blowin in the wind. 這答案就是飄在茫茫的風裡
How many years can a mountain exist 高山矗立了多少年
Before it’s washed to the sea? 才被雨水沖刷到海面
how many years can some people exist 受苦的人被囚禁多少年
Before they’re allowed to be free? 才能有獲重自由的感覺
how many times can a man turn his head, 人要轉過頭去多少次
Pretending he just doesn't see? 去假裝視而不見
The answer, my friend, is blowin in the wind, 我的朋友 這答案就飄在茫茫的風裡
The answer is blowin in the wind. 我的朋友 這答案就飄在茫茫的風裡
How many times must a man look up 人要抬頭多少次
Before he can see the sky? 才能看見天空的美
how many ears must one man have 人要靠多少隻耳朵
Before he can hear people cry? 才聽得見求救呼喊
how many deaths will it take till he knows 生命要經過多少的犧牲
That too many people have died? 才會了解活著的可貴
The answer, my friend, is blowin  in the wind, 我的朋友 答案就飄在茫茫的風裡
The answer is blowin in the wind. 我的朋友 這答案就飄在茫茫的風裡

